Disclaimer: I'm not being paid to promote any products, just wanted to share a little kitchen hack that's so cool it means I'm not buying those frozen potato wedges anymore 😊
Hi Honeys,
How are you today? All well I hope? It's definitely starting to get chiller. Time to start thinking about raiding our wardrobes for soft, woolly sweaters, extra thick socks, the fluffier the better and warm, comforting foods 💗
Today, in honour of day three of Blogtober, I thought I'd share a little mini Ikea kitchen hack that makes rustling up a big bowl of yummy potato wedges so easy you'll never look at those bags of frozen wedges again 😊
This little hack isn't just ridiculously easy honeys, it's fun too 😄
Hubby and I made these yummy wedges together on Tuesday evening for dinner and they were so good he took some to work with him, with his meal prepped salad from the fridge, for his lunch 💖
OK, why not grab a cuppa honeys and meet me back here in a few minutes and I'll share all...
Welcome back dear ones, do you have your cuppa? Cool, me too ☕ Aprons at the ready then and off to the kitchen we go...
First thing we need is an apple slicer. We have one in the shape of an apple (well duh Rosie lol) that I think we bought from Asda for around £1 I think a while ago and it works great but during our recent trip to Ikea we bought one of their Spritta apple slicers.
I kept seeing it talked about online and, with arthritic hands (and other bits) I'm always on the look out for ways to make things easier in the kitchen.
The difference between the great little apple slicer we already have from Asda (I think) and the Ikea one is that the Ikea one has a raised edge which bends to an angle slightly either side, forming a sort of handle. Much easier to keep a grip of when your hands aren't as reliable as they used to be.
This is my new favourite gadget honeys, I love it 😊 Let's get started on those wedges shall we?
Easiest Ever Homemade Potato Wedges...
Freshly washed potatoes - Hubby and I used 4 or 5 small to medium potatoes and this was enough for two dinners and for Hubby to take with him for lunch next day 💗
Apple slicer - doesn't have to be an Ikea or Asda/Walmart one 😊
Olive oil - a little drizzle, maybe a couple of spoons full. It depends on how many potato wedges you're cooking
Seasoning - Choose your favourite honeys. We used two jars from our spice rack, Italian herbs and garlic powder.
1. Thoroughly wash and dry your potatoes. Drying them helps to prevent them slipping and causing an accident with the apple slicer.
2. Fetch a chopping board and your apple slicer and very carefully use the apple slicer to slice the potatoes ...
3. Place your potato wedges into a saucepan as you make them..
4. When you've completed as many wedges as you need, take the saucepan to the sink and rinse the potato wedges thoroughly in cold water. This will help remove some of the starchy residue you always see when chopping potatoes.
5. When the potatoes have been rinsed through with the cold water, add fresh cold water to the saucepan and par boil the wedges. We don't want them to be soft, only partially cooked. Boiling for around 15-18 mins should be enough.
6. When par boiled, carefully drain the potatoes and leave to cool...
7. When the wedges have cooled, place them into a bowl.
8. Pre-heat your oven to 180C (160C for fan oven) or 350F or gas mark 4.
9. Fetch a small container, a cup will do, and add 2-3 spoons of olive oil. You might need more or less honeys, It will depend on how many wedges you've made. To the olive oil, add your seasoning. we used around 2 teaspoons each of the Italian herbs and the garlic powder for the 4-5 small to medium potatoes.
Mix your olive oil and seasoning together and drizzle the mixture over your wedges. Gently (we don't want them to fall apart) combine the wedges and olive oil until your wedges are all coated.
In my humble opinion it's OK to wear rubber gloves to do this or to use two spoons or better yet get a friendly nearby human to do it for you.. I mean... it's all oily and well just ick! Sorry... I have this thing about my hands, I was properly yelled at by my Home Economics teacher more than once (many) years ago... I tried to tell her that God gave us little electric hand mixers for a reason but oh no....😄
10. When the wedges are all coated in your seasoning, lay them on a baking tray and then very carefully place them into the oven, on the middle shelf, for 18-20 minutes until cooked.
11. Enjoy! Await happy smiles and compliments from loved ones 💗
These wedges were so delicious honeys and the smell from the kitchen with the Italian herbs and garlic while they were baking away was just amazing!
We munched happily on our freshly made, and ever so delicious, potato wedges which we had with a fresh salad, which we also sprinkled some grated cheddar and red Leicester cheeses over...
As you might remember I meal prep salads for us to enjoy all through the week honeys but this week I decided (due to the weather taking a turn for the worse) to try to make them even healthier 💗
I usually use iceberg lettuce, spring onions (or scallions for our US cousins and "sybies" (pronounced sigh-bees") for us Scots) tomatoes and cucumber in our salad. This week I made them as I usually do but added lots of lovely watercress, spinach, rocket, beetroot and baby kale too. Yum 😋
Hubby is already talking about which seasoning he wants to try next, he's suggested we try one of the packets of fajita seasoning I use when I make him his chicken fajitas.
Over to you honeys, are you a fan of potato wedges? What kind of seasoning would you use?
Till next time, smile lots and hug even more dear ones, hugs always x
#Blogtober2019 #Recipe