Week two of school is in the books and we’re still moving along steadily! I think being able to give some of the readings to B to do on his own has really helped in terms of being able to fit everything in every day but still be done by 1. They made their first recipe this week from The Nourishing Traditions Cookbook for Children (egg-yolk smoothies) and it was a huge success. I stepped aside while they gathered all of the ingredients and equipment, made the measurements, and put everything in the blender (I did separate the eggs for them, but now they know how to do it). Not only did they make something essentially all on their own, but it was very tasty too!
I also had my first meeting for the Idyll Challenge (and managed to get my reading done in time!) on Tuesday. I mentioned earlier this year that my local Charlotte Mason book group ended this summer, so when my friend Dawn mentioned that she was going to be leading a Challenge group, I thought I might join her. Not only does it allow me to keep going to book group “with” her (her family recently moved from Colorado to Georgia), but I’m hoping I also am able to finish all six books in the two years allotted as I’ve read two of them but only parts of the other four. Hopefully I can keep it up!
On to the links!
Why I Don’t Do Devotions “I fear that doing devotions has become another form of practicing religion without requiring faith. I fear that it has become a time for us to busy ourselves with doing instead of quieting ourselves before the Lord and being with Him. I fear that the practice of doing devotions can actually interfere with the mindset of having continual communion with the Lord who demands all of us, not just a portion of our time.”
Scale How Meditations Riverbend Press is now offering an absolutely beautiful hardcover version of Charlotte Mason’s Scale How Meditations. I received the paperback version as a gift this past Christmas and have been slowly making my way through it over the last several months. Maybe once I finish, I’ll reward myself with this copy.
How to Plan your Mother Culture Time Admittedly, my Mother Culture time has been suffering quite a bit this year. This post is a good reminder of why it’s so important. “Yes, there are challenges in front of us, and seasons of life which are more difficult than others, but self-education begins with a simple stack of thoughtfully chosen books, and catching bits of time to spend with them.”
From the blog…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Year 4 Term 1 Plans School started for us last week and I finally got around to posting a write-up about our Year 4 Term 1 Plans this week. We’ll be using AmblesideOnline again this year and adding in a few new things like spelling, grammar, Latin, and map drills. It felt a little overwhelming when I was scheduling these things in addition to trying to juggle a Year 1 student as well, but so far, everything has gone very well. Here’s hoping that continues!
(2019) Commonplacing: The Work is Not Ours (Celebration of Discipline) A little commonplacing from a book that quickly became one of my very favorites on the topic of spirituality.
(2014) Excited About a…Curriculum? My first little adventure into the world of homeschooling was a preschool “curriculum” I found when B was 3 and I started with him when he was 4. I still have very fond memories of that little reading schedule and can’t recommend it enough for the preschool years.
Have a lovely weekend!
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