Our homeschool curriculum choices for the 2020-2021 school year! This will be our 18th year of homeschooling!
Eighteen years of homeschooling. The time has flown by so quickly!
Our oldest two children have graduated from our homeschool, and now we just have three students. This year we’ll have fifth grade, ninth grade, and eleventh grade.
One in elementary, and two in high school.
RELATED: Homeschool Graduation Party Ideas
And, this will be the last year that I have an elementary-age student! Oh, the time goes by so fast!
Teaching the younger years has always been my favorite. I love doing nature walks and nature study, and reading picture books.
RELATED: Charlotte Mason Nature Study
They grow up quicker than you can ever believe possible. It literally feels like one day you have young children, and the next day they’re all grown up!
Since this will be my last year of elementary, I’m trying to make the most of the time with my youngest. I’m adding in as many fun things as possible.
And I don’t think I can give up the picture books any time soon.
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