
24 Balcony Laundry Room Design Ideas


Incorporating a laundry area on your balcony can be a great idea. If you have a washing machine, you can integrate it into your space. This will keep moisture out and make the process easier. A balcony also offers ample sunlight, so your laundry room will have a great deal of natural light. Some balcony designs even have rattan boxes to store detergent. And you can install a sink and countertop for convenience. If you need an inspiration, here are some balcony laundry room ideas.

Install Wood Shelves

Balcony laundry room ideas are great for a small space. A wooden plank is a good option for a rustic design. The wood plank can be utilized to make an open shelf. It will make your small space more functional and neat. You can use the wood shelves to store your your laundry supplies. In this case, a simple basket will store your dry-cleaning supplies. A woven grass mat is a fun and practical addition to the space.


If you have a laundry room decoration in the balcony area, then you should hang some open wooden shelves that can be used as storage ideas that don’t take up floor space at all. You can use teak wood for a smoother surface and of course it has a material that is stronger and not easily porous when used for a long period of time. Teak wood open shelves from livspace.


Always take advantage of the empty wall area for smart storage ideas for a small laundry room decor. Currently you can install single plywood shelves on the wall or rather under a hanging cabinet. Use this shelf to store some of your washing supplies so they don’t scatter everywhere. Single hanging plywood shelves from recommend.


Standing rack that is placed right behind the washing machine is a smart storage idea that is suitable for those of you who have limited laundry room decorations because they don’t interfere with your movement space when doing activities or activities in this room. This storage rack is also made of two different materials, namely wood and iron so that it is more sturdy. Standing storage rack behind the washing machine from homemydesign.


Do you want a different atmosphere when washing and drying clothes? If yes, then you can put this laundry room decoration in the balcony area of your apartment. Because this balcony has a fairly small room, it’s a good idea to add a standing wooden shelf that is placed next to the washing machine as an easy-to-reach storage idea. Standing wooden rack from homemydesign.

Provide Window Lighting

You can also build a balcony laundry room with window lighting. In this way, you can see the beautiful view from your balcony while washing your clothes. It is also allow you to get a direct sunlight to help drying your clothes. A small laundry room on the balcony is ideal for drying clothes.


The glass window that is applied to your laundry room balcony serves to let in more sunlight so that it makes your room feel brighter and less humid. Because this laundry room is related to water, the incoming sunlight really helps the health of your room temperature so it doesn’t cause unpleasant odors. Green plants placed in the laundry room area become natural decorations that are easy to get. Big glass windows from homemydesign.


If you use curtains in decorating your balcony, then when the morning comes, you should open your curtains as a natural lighting idea that can be obtained easily without having to buy. This glass window is perfect for decorating a laundry room with a narrow space so that the room is not damp and still smells good and healthy. Open your window blinds in the morning from homemydesign.


Take advantage of several wall functions to install glass windows as a source of sunlight that can enter the room optimally. Don’t forget to finish with the installation of a white repainted wooden frame that is easy to match with other colored interiors. Glass windows with white wooden frames from homemydesign.


The design of the glass window that surrounds the decoration of the laundry room on the balcony is a source of sunlight that can enter the room perfectly. The more windows that are used, the brighter your room is, you should do regular maintenance by cleaning the glass surface using a cleaning liquid to keep it looking clear and clean. Large glass window laundry room from recommend.


The combination of tile walls with glass windows is the best combination that can be applied to a balcony decoration that is used as a mini laundry room design. Choose and use a transparent glass window with sufficient thickness so that it is not easily broken when used for a long period of time, you can try it now. Transparent glass window from recommend.


One of the functions of glass windows in decorating your balcony is to kill bacteria in the room that can cause disease. This mini balcony can be turned into a laundry room decoration so that it can be used better. Layout the washing machine and storage cabinets vertically so they don’t take up too much space. Glass windows for laundry room balcony from recommend.


In addition to being a source of sunlight, the glass window design that is applied to the balcony of the laundry room is also a home decoration or room sweetener that looks minimalist without having to spend a lot of money. You can try it right now. Minimalist glass window from recommend.


The advantage of using glass windows in decorating the balcony is that it can be used as a substitute for using lights during the day with sunlight entering the room freely. With this, you will be more efficient in paying for electricity at the end of the month, isn’t the idea of ​​using glass windows very smart to try. Glass windows instead of lamps from homemydesign.


Glass windows are one of the sources that bring sunlight into your balcony decoration, because your balcony is currently being used as a laundry room, this glass window will function very well to prevent the room from being damp and smelly. In addition, this glass window also makes the room brighter without having to use a chandelier again, you can try to pair it with a pull-out curtain to make it easier to open when needed. Glass windows with pull-out curtains from

Vertical System

Since the space is small and limited, you need vertically system for your balcony laundry room ideas. This applies to the design of your cabinets and the arrangement of the washer and dryer. With a vertical cabinet design, you will have decent storage that doesn’t take up space. For the arrangement of the washer and dryer, you can stack them to save space.



Use one part of the balcony wall to become a small laundry room that will have a different atmosphere when washing clothes. The washing machine and storage cabinets are arranged vertically so it doesn’t take much time to place them. Choose and use a washing machine with a size that is not too large. Washing machine and storage cabinets arranged vertically from homemydesign.


So that your balcony decoration can not only be used as a laundry room, you can arrange the machine and storage layout vertically by placing it on the built-in wall shelf that has been made in a modern and minimalist manner. You can use the rest of the laundry room floor to put some floor greens of different sizes. Built-in wall storage and washing machine placement from homemydesign.


Don’t take up too much of your balcony space for a laundry room decoration so you can still use it to relax while enjoying the beautiful outdoor view. Currently, you can simply use a small washing machine that is inserted into a small cupboard and then equipped with a built-in closed storage cabinet beside and above it. Washing machine rack with built-in closed cabinet from recommend.


The laundry room decoration in the balcony area is arranged vertically so it doesn’t take up much of your floor space. Currently you can use a white room nuance to give the appearance of a wider and cleaner room. Several types of green plants that are placed on the floor area become natural decorations that can be easily obtained in your garden. White laundry room with vertical arrangement from recommend.


You can use one part of the balcony room as a small laundry room decoration that is dominated by neutral colors. Now you can arrange washing machines and storage cabinets vertically so you can get more floor space that is still empty. Small laundry room in the balcony from recommend.


This white repainted storage cabinet can be arranged vertically so it doesn’t take up too much floor area. Currently you can use a washing machine made of stainless steel so that it is not easy to rust and is not easily porous when used for a long period of time. Green plants become decorations that are cheap and very easy to apply. Stainless steel washing machines and cabinets arranged vertically from recommend.


No need to worry when you have a small balcony decoration, now you can use it for a small laundry room which is equipped with only the main interior such as a washing machine and wooden cabinet storage. Apply some of this cabinet to the wall just above your washing machine to save more space and make it easier to reach. Small balcony equipped with the main laundry room interior only from recommend.


Look at the layout of this washing machine, sink and cabinet, doesn’t it look like it saves more floor area? You can try it on a balcony decoration with a vertical arrangement that will save more of your floor area, there’s nothing wrong with using a floor pattern checker as an addition to the color of the room while making your room more textured. Vertical arrangement of the laundry room which saves floor area from recommend.

Invest a Folding Drying Rack

A folding drying rack for your balcony will be a great addition to your laundry room decor. This versatile and convenient drying rack is adjustable between 50 inches and 74 inches in length. A folding drying rack for your balcony will help you save space, and you can place it in a small corner when not in use. You can also choose a wall-mounted one, which tucks neatly into a wall when not in use.

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Choose and use a folding drying rack made of stronger iron, you can install it on the wall area closer to the ceiling so it doesn’t interfere with your movement space when doing activities or washing activities in this room. Repaint with white so that it has color harmony with your current laundry room. Iron folding drying rack from recommend.


Use one part of your laundry room wall as an idea to put a clothes drying rack that can be folded after use. You can install this shelf higher so it doesn’t interfere with your comfort while in this room. Use a wooden ladder to help you dry these clothes. Clothes dryer rack that is applied higher on the wall from homemydesign.


Not only using iron for the idea of a clothes drying rack, now you can choose from teak wood that has been re-polished so that it looks cleaner and shiny. This drying rack can be folded when finished, apply it just above the side of the washing machine for a closer reach. Wooden folding drying rack from homemydesign.

A balcony is a great place for a laundry room. It is not only functional but can also be a nice addition to the home.

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