
Coffee Break Reading List (May 21, 2020)


Coffee Break Reading List (May 21, 2020)

This post contains affiliate links - using affiliate links from Homeschool Coffee Break helps fuel this blog.    For awhile I'd been putting together a little round-up of articles and news that I found interesting and posting it every other Monday. Then life happened and I got out of the habit. And then the coronavirus happened, and I thought I would get back to it, just on a different day. Well, turns out I have had trouble figuring out what day it is, never mind being able to get started on this! So today I've put together another Coffee Break...

Prima Latina REVIEW


Prima Latina REVIEW

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. Little Bug just loves to learn and I really love that about her.  She is definitely one of those kids that "loves" school, as long as things are going her way, LOL.  She loves learning new languages.  She "thinks" she can speak 4 different languages (even if she only knows one or two words in each one).  She tickles me with this.  She was...

Second Form Latin (A Homeschool Crew Review)


Second Form Latin (A Homeschool Crew Review)

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. Early on in the kids education, I decided I wanted to start them on a foreign language early on.  I know that in my own schooling, foreign language wasn't introduced til high school and as such, my knowledge of Spanish can only be described as "muy mal" and I wanted the kids to begin their studies much earlier.  After trial and error, Ashleigh...

Preschool Curriculum Choices


Preschool Curriculum Choices

Let’s be honest. “Preschool curriculum choices” is sort of an oxymoron. Preschool and curriculum are two words that don’t really belong together, do they? It’s not that preschoolers shouldn’t learn anything academic, it’s just that their time is better spent blowing bubbles, playing dress-up, and squishing their toes in the mud. My first two children went to a Montessori preschool for a few hours a week, which I loved. They did things at school like practice washing their hands and pouring grains of rice between cups. If this sounds crazy to you, it did to me too at first. However,...

Places to see California Natural History


Places to see California Natural History

One important aspect we have included in our study of the history California (California Out of the Box) is the eight major Golden State habitats. What exactly is a habitat? A habitat is physical space where particular plants or animals live; these plants and animals have a relationship with each other and are dependent on each other to survive. Habitats are often influenced by the level of rainfall an area receives. Why is studying the land and habitats vital to studying history of an area? #1. Habitats Provide Clues as to Why People Have Settled in a Given Place Over...