
Choice Reconsidered


Choice Reconsidered

Educational choice has been woven into the fabric of American education from the nation’s earliest days. Discussions of school choice frequently fall into familiar morality plays: Either you’re for empowering parents or supporting public education. The resulting debate manages to miss much of what matters. It ignores that all kinds of choices are hard-wired into American public education. It skips past the fact that the affluent already choose schools when purchasing homes, so the debate is really about the options available to everyone else. Families want more options, but that fact doesn’t mean they dislike their local schools (much less,...

Homeschool Teaching Checklist | Replay


Homeschool Teaching Checklist | Replay

Let’s Talk About Your Homeschool Teaching Checklist! with your host Felice Gerwitz Do you have a Homeschool Teaching Checklist? It’s time to get personal. How are you doing? But you may be saying, “Hold on! We just started school.” And that’s why this podcast is soooooo important. Before the year gets away from you and you waste an entire year, let’s look at your methodology, how the kids are doing, and most importantly, the sense you feel at the end of the day. Is it one of satisfaction or one of thinking you are not getting enough done? I’ll explore...

Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum- Special Replay


Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum- Special Replay

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum- Special Replay. Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum We 7Sisters have twenty-two homeschool graduates between the group of us. Not only that, but Sisters Marilyn and Vicki have served as academic advisors to hundreds of homeschool high schoolers. So we have seen first hand that there are no two teens alike! You, too, have probably noticed that there is a LOT of difference in homeschool high schoolers. God created each to have different: Interests Abilities Goals Needs Teens have different goals: There...

How to Start a Homeschool Co-op Your Teens Will Enjoy- Special Replay


How to Start a Homeschool Co-op Your Teens Will Enjoy- Special Replay

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: How to Start a Homeschool Co-op Your Teens Will Enjoy- Special Replay. How to Start a Homeschool Co-op Your Teens Will Enjoy We 7Sisters have always loved co-op! Co-ops do have their ups and downs, but all of our homeschool graduates still have best friend and fond memories of their adventures and misadventures there. The homeschooling community is famous for co-ops! What are homeschool co-ops? They are simply families homeschooling together in some format (co-operating on education). Homeschool co-ops take lots of formats, for instance: Two families getting together to do fun learning activities...

Why I Will NEVER Use The Good and The Beautiful Curriculum: Mormon?


Why I Will NEVER Use The Good and The Beautiful Curriculum: Mormon?

The Good and the Beautiful curriculum seems to have everything going for it if you’re looking for a Christian homeschool curriculum. It’s a curriculum that provides children with a thorough education for an affordable (if not free) price. It has Charlotte Mason influences, teaching good morals and character. It’s easy to use and probably the most visually pleasing homeschool curriculum you’ll find today. But there’s something about it that is not quite right. Is it that The Good and the Beautiful is Mormon as some people say…or is it deeper than that? To start unraveling this mystery, we need to...