
Registering for the New School Year


Registering for the New School Year

In Tennessee, one must register to homeschool either with an umbrella school or with the local public school system. Umbrella schools typically cost around $50-$110, while the Superintendent’s Office is free. Some umbrella schools will ask you to test with them once a year. The public school will only make you test in 5th, 7th, and 9th grades. The kids painted seven wooden clocks for newly remodeled rooms at Zoder’s Inn and Suites. Our umbrella school is Berean Christian School in Knoxville. We can register by mail because we have been with them for at least three years and do...

Review of Dare to Compare Math: Beginning


Review of Dare to Compare Math: Beginning

Disclaimer: I recieved a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. My older children loved the thinking skills books from The Critical Thinking Co.TM when they were little, so I was so excited to get to review Dare To Compare Math: Beginning for grades 2-3 to review. I remember loving math as...

Math Shed and Spelling Shed (A Homeschool Crew Review)


Math Shed and Spelling Shed (A Homeschool Crew Review)

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. It's always a good thing when I can find a way to get Ashleigh and Garrett to practice things they are learning. When it's fun and something they enjoy doing, even better.  For the last few weeks, the kids have been using both Math Shed and Spelling Shed, two educational applications from EdShed, to work on their math and spelling skills. Both Math...

Should You Homeschool? 4 Questions to Help You Decide


Should You Homeschool? 4 Questions to Help You Decide

Who could have predicted that a global pandemic would dramatically increase the broader adoption of homeschooling in society? Yet, right now many families are asking themselves the question: Should we homeschool? If you’re one of them, whatever has led you to this point, homeschool is an option worth considering. Here are some questions to ponder as you think this significant decision through. 1. What Do You Know About Homeschooling? You may have some ideas about what you think homeschooling is. Some of those ideas may be rooted in fact and some may be notions or stereotypes that don’t actually hold...

Spanish for Homeschool High School, Interview with Karim Morato


Spanish for Homeschool High School, Interview with Karim Morato

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Spanish for Homeschool High School, Interview with Karim Morato. Spanish for Homeschool High School, Interview with Karim Morato Teaching your teens Spanish can be an intimidating adventure. Ever felt intimidated by world languages? Karim Morato joins Vicki to help you out! Karim is not only a native Spanish speaker, but an expert educator in teaching Spanish. Karim has a website with amazing, online Spanish courses from homeschooling elementary through high school. Karim (born in Guatemala) had just finished her education degree with, as a newlywed, her Bolivian-born husband asked if they could homeschool when...