
Homeschooling as a Military Family


Homeschooling as a Military Family

by Sarah Hughes, February 2023   I started homeschooling in the fall of 2022, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! We live in North Carolina, and we are a military family as well. Being a military spouse definitely affected my choice to homeschool. These are just a couple of ways homeschooling has made our lives a little bit easier as well as some possible cons to consider when choosing to homeschool as a military family.     Relocating and Not Switching Schools   School Districts: When we moved from Georgia to North Carolina, I was stressed about finding...

Designing the Perfect Learning Environment for Home Education


Designing the Perfect Learning Environment for Home Education

Are you considering homeschooling your children this year? Setting up a home learning environment can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. You can create a comfortable and efficient classroom that will help your child succeed with the right combination of furniture, supplies, and organization tools. In this blog post, we’ll discuss tips for creating the perfect homeschool classroom set-up in your home. We’ll also provide ideas for using available space wisely and suggestions for furnishing and accessories to make learning at home as enjoyable as possible for students and parents. So let’s get started! Creating a Home Learning...

My Goals for 2023: Week 8 of 52


My Goals for 2023: Week 8 of 52

This post contains affiliate links.  It was another busy week of training meetings for my new job.  I’m sure in a few weeks I’ll settle into a new normal routine, but for now, life is hectic.  Here are my goals for 2023: week 8 of 52: Personal Development My kids are older now, so I have a bit more time to devote to personal development.  So, these are the items I’d like to accomplish this year: Write in my journal for 150 days 5.3% accomplished.  No journal writing this week; I’m up to eight times for the year. Crochet an...

Someone Wonders, “What’s The Worst Case Of ‘Helicopter Parenting’ You’ve Seen?” And 70 People Deliver


Someone Wonders, “What’s The Worst Case Of ‘Helicopter Parenting’ You’ve Seen?” And 70 People Deliver

Having a kid is a really big deal. It changes so much about your life and everything seems to flip upside down. Every parent reacts differently to these changes, some better than others. Sometimes moms and dads become way too protective over their offspring, which results in what we know as "helicopter parenting."This online user decided to ask people about the worst examples of overbearing parents that can't seem to let go of their little babies and let them live their own lives, even when they're full-grown adults. Some of the stories people shared are truly shocking and hard to...

Homeschooling in Canada, Interview with Teresa Wiedrick


Homeschooling in Canada, Interview with Teresa Wiedrick

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Homeschooling in Canada, Interview with Teresa Wiedrick. Homeschooling in Canada, Interview with Teresa Wiedrick If you Google “homeschool life coach,” the person you come up with is Teresa Wiedrick with Capturing The Charmed Life. As a homeschool life coach Teresa helps homeschool mamas with their own self-care. Isn’t that the best? Isn’t this what we all need? In addition to this, Teresa and her family live Canada. We love to hear about homeschooling in countries besides the US! (Have you heard the interview with Kat Patrick about homeschooling in the United Kingdom?) About Teresa...