- Do you read articles about climate change…and feel powerless?
- Are you looking for a rigorous STEM-oriented education for your student(s)?
- Are you disappointed about the level of science that is taught in public school for grades K-5?
Here is what we at Carrier Shell Curriculum have come up with –
Earth Party! An Early Exploration of the System of Classification of Living Things Unit Study
What exactly is the system of classification of living things?
This system originated with Karl (Carolus) Linnaeus in the 1700’s. His main contribution to biology was the system of binomial nomenclature — or giving life 2 unique names such genus and species. There are 5 kingdoms of life — bacteria (single-celled life with no enclosed nucleus), fungi (mushrooms), protozoa (algae), plants, and animals. Broadly speaking, all of life is further subdivided into phyla, classes, orders, families, genus, and species. The animal kingdom includes both vertebates (with a backbone) and invertebrates (no backbones). For example, a coyote would be classified this way: Anamalia (animal), Chordata (has a backbone), Mammalia (mammal), Carnivora (carnivorous), Canidae (dog), Canis (dog), latrans (barking).
Earth Party! is Systematic: It Builds a Consistent Scientific Language
Through resources such as — Tree of Life and the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia, vocabulary such as kingdom, phyla, order, genus, species, invertebrates, echinoderms, crustaceans, taxonomy, cetaceans, and amphibians are introduced. These words are repeated to give students broad exposure to these terms. Basic characteristics of protozoa, insects, flowering plants, conifers, vertebrates and invertebrates are explored and reviewed. The beginnings of language are built, ready for students to build upon in the short term for zoo and aquarium field trips; in the long term, students will be ahead of the game in middle and high school biology.
Earth Party! is Connective: It Rebuilds Connections Between Humans and the Natural World
If you or your family has a sense things are out of control in our modern world — try our curriculum. Our goal is to build a framework for diversity of life on the planet. Our curriculum does not explain the “how” but instead focuses on the “what.” What’s here right now? How are plants and animals alike and different? Believe it or not — these distinctions are are important. Why not expose kids to them early on! Field trips to zoos and natural areas will be greatly enhanced after using our curriculum.
Earth Party! is Flexible: Families Can Read the Books and have a Variety of Choices in Weekly and Culminating Projects
Do you have kids that like bookwork? — Or not? With our curriculum, families will have the copies (questions, diagrams, project planning documents) needed so time will not be wasted at the copier. Comprehension questions can be used for either discussion, or they can be written. If your student doesn’t like book work, stick with the books and projects! (More excercises are contained in this curriculum than can be reasonably done.)
Summer 2020: Live! Organic Learning on Instagram
Watch for us this summer on Instagram @carriershellcurriculum as we launch our Organic Learning stream. Each week, either on Monday or Tuesday, we will feature a short segment with experiences and examples of organic learning. Pay close attention as we will host giveaways. You won’t want to miss it!
Curriculum Details

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