
Timberdoodle’s Wrap-Ups Subtraction and Wrap-Ups Addition {1st Grade Curriculum Kit}


Today we are going to take a closer look at one of the math components in our 1st Grade Elite Curriculum Kit from Timberdoodle, Wrap-Ups Subtraction and Wrap-Ups Addition.  You can see our previous review of another math component, Mobi Kids.

Our Wrap-Ups Subtraction (orange) and Wrap-Ups Addition (green)
{These boards are ~ 5 inches tall and 1 1/2 inches wide.}

How do they work?  Both of our sets have 10 boards that are linked or riveted together at the top center of each board.  They can easily be spread apart from one another so that you can work on one board at a time.

For each board you begin on the top, left side and do what the board says.  If you have a +1 board, you will be adding 1 to each number on the left and finding the solution to each problem on the right.  You use the string the match each number on the left to the correct answer on the right by placing the string around the correct notch.  You do this for every problem on the board.  This process works the exact same for each board, even the -10 board.  The trick is to make sure to draw the string around to each correct notch.  If done correctly, when the board is turned over, the string will cover the lines on the back of the board.  You can tell instantly if you solved the board correctly or if you need to correct it.

Let's walk through a board so you see what I'm talking about.  We are going to use the Addition Wrap-Ups Board for +1 (adding 1).
 You are going to start on the left at the number 3.  Place the string in the notch and then go to the number 4 on the right because 3+1=4.

 You come back to the notch for the number 6 on the left and then to the notch on the right for 7 because 6+1=7 (hopefully you get the idea).

 You continue on this way...

  Keep going...

 A glimpse of what the back looks like at this point.

 Once you have completed all 12 problems you can secure your string in the bottom notch of the board.

 When you flip your board over you do not see any lines, meaning you correctly solved all the problems on this board.  You will instantly know if you made a mistake.

Above E is working on the - 5 board.

 Here F is working with the + 2 board.

 The boards were a bit harder for F to manipulate.  It took him a little longer to figure out how to hook the string on the notch and keep the string at a good tightness (not too loose) but he has got the hang of it now!

 Finishing his board...

Above (red circle) you can see that one of the strings is not lined up with the correct answer.
I watched F do this board and he actually put the correct answer but the string slipped down when he was figuring out how to manipulate the string around.  So there is a little bit of a learning curve to how to use this manipulative.  I appreciate that it helps reinforce hand-eye coordination as well as math drill practice.  I like that the back easily shows if there are any mistakes.

Each of our sets contain 120 drill problems.  I really like that our sets stay together and that the blue string is already attached, making them easier to use and keep track of.  These portable, math manipulatives are great for drillwork and learning math facts.  Think of flash cards but better.  Wrap-ups are truly a great way to help everyone learn their basic math facts!  These work well for visual and kinesthetic learners.  You can also challenge your student to complete a board in a certain amount of time for a fun challenge.  I like that students can use the independently and they can also self-correct their mistakes.  I'm really excited to have these among our homeschool resources and we will continue to use them throughout the year.

Feel free to check out the fun Timberdoodle video about Wrap-Ups below.


Wrap-Ups Subtraction and Wrap-Ups Addition are both geared for kids ages 6-8 years of age and grades 1st-3rd and can be found in Timberdoodle's First Grade Curriculum Kit.  Timberdoodle also sells a variety of other fun Wrap-Ups including Division, Multiplication, Fractions, and States and Capitals.  Feel free to check them out as well.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I will be refunded the purchase price of our curriculum kit in exchange for my honest reviews.  All opinions are my own.

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