Thanks to the Homeschool Review Crew, we had the opportunity to review Super Teacher Worksheets for the third time. The first time was five years ago, back when I still had preschoolers. The second time was three years ago when all of the children were elementary school aged. This time around, I have children who are 8, 10, 12, and 13. Due to the fact that the majority of the worksheets are designed for elementary school children, I chose to use this with Harold and Hannah these past several weeks.
Super Teacher Worksheets is a wonderful resource for busy homeschool parents. However, it can also be used by teachers, as they do offer school licenses. We have been given a full year's membership with complete access to all the available worksheets. When we first reviewed this site five years ago, there were over 10,000 worksheets available. There are currently over 16,000 worksheets for parents and teachers to choose from in many different subjects.
You'll find supplemental worksheets in the following areas:
- Math
- Reading Comprehension (grades 1-6)
- Reading & Writing
- Phonics
- Early Literacy
- Grammar
- Spelling Lists (grades 1-5)
- Chapter Books (literacy units)
- Science
- Social Studies
- Holidays
- Puzzles & Brain Teasers
- Teacher Helpers (teaching tools, award certificates)
- Pre-K and Kindergarten
- Worksheet Generator
When you first come to the site, you will notice these subjects listed on the left side of the screen, along with a listing of topics to choose from.
When you click on the topic you are interested in, you will come to a menu that shows a listing of the available worksheets. I appreciate the fact that it gives a description and also the grade each worksheet is appropriate for.
What's really awesome, is that you can use the site for free, though you won't have access to the full collection of worksheets. As shown in the screenshot below, the site indicates which worksheets you have access to with the "free" icon.
If you click on any worksheets that do not have the "free" icon, as a non-member, you will be shown a preview of the worksheet.
Once I am logged into my account, all of the worksheets are available to me.
I debated what I wanted to use with the children, and I really didn't want to overwhelm them as we were supposed to be on our summer break. I also wanted to use this time to decide how I would use this site during the upcoming school year.
Obviously we are no longer in need of any of the preschool materials, but I have to say, I am impressed with all of the different resources available for learning the alphabet, numbers and shapes, along with phonics and sight word materials. I just wanted to share a few of the things that stood out to me.
Printing Practice
Letter Recognition and Matching
Alphabetical Order
These, along with many others (such as games and flashcards, phonics resources, and sight word materials) are definitely resources I would have utilized if our children were still young enough.
But alas, my children are growing up, so I decided we would focus on several different subjects. We have been using Reading Comprehension, Spelling, and Daily Math Word Problems. Plus I checked out the science offerings. I also have utilized the Worksheet Generator.
There are Reading Comprehension worksheets for children in grades 1-6. You will find fiction stories, reader's theater (little plays), poems, non-fiction articles, biographies, short passages, and read-aloud practice. The child will read the story/poem/passage and will then answer different kinds of questions, work on vocabulary, and also have opportunity for some creative writing of their own.
I've decided, once the school year starts, the children will have 2-3 of these to work on each week.
I also liked the look of the Spelling List resources. I appreciate that the lists are logically organized, and phonics-based, though there are sight word lists as well. First grade begins with short-a words and works its way through all the vowels, then goes on to long vowels, and then blends and digraphs. Second grade it similar, though the words are harder. Harold and Hannah have been working with the third grade spelling lists. These begin with long and short a, moving on through the other vowels, different blends, and consonants, then homophones, easy to confuse words, and more.
As a parent who has watched her older children struggle through spelling in public school due to word lists based on words in stories that are being read, I truly appreciate the organization of these spelling lists and we will continue to use these this year.
I love that there are different activities for the students to use throughout the week.
Writing each word twice. I have the children write once in print and once in cursive.
Alphabetical Order
Finding and fixing the misspelled spelling words
Unscrambling the spelling words. This has proven to be a bit tricky for Harold, but we will continue trying.
Hannah had no problems with it though.
They even have crossword puzzles (which help with vocabulary too because they learn what the words mean) and word searches.
I also decided that I would give them a daily word problem in math to work on.
I was a little confused because the site states there should be enough for a full school year, yet I am only finding five week's worth of problems for each grade. I'm assuming that means they are working on adding more.
Seeing as we have been learning about biology, I thought it would be fun to use some of the science resources. The children enjoyed this Butterfly Word Maze and are hoping to do similar activities for different topics.
So, my plan for our school year is to give the children 2-3 reading comprehension stories, plus a new spelling list each week. They will have daily math problems, starting with the word problems and then moving on to the daily review worksheets (which there do seem to be enough of for the year). And then I will see what other math, science, social studies, etc, worksheets we can find to accompany what we are working on with our normal curriculum.
That brings me to the final aspect of the site that I wanted to tell you about. I absolutely love the word find generator. I am able to put in any words we have been learning about in our other subjects. So, when we were learning about cells and DNA and such in science, I made them a biology word search.
It is so easy to use this resource. You just choose your level, give it a header and a title, you can list who created it, and choose to alphabetize the word list. This is a great option, because then the parent can just enter the words and the generator alphabetizes them for you. Then you enter your word list, following the instructions.
Super Teacher Worksheets is a wonderful resource for parents (and teachers) and one I highly recommend. There are so many worksheets and other printables that can be used to supplement your curriculum.
I also invite you to check out my first review and my second review of Super Teacher Worksheets to see some of the resources we have used in the past, and what we thought of those.
Don't forget to click on the banner below to check out what my fellow Crew Mates though of this wonderful resource.