Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.

Page a Day Math is a Math Fact Fluency System designed to help learners, young and old, memorize the all important math facts. Physical kits sell for $79.95, while digital kits sell for $29.95. This program provides a solid foundation with step-by-step practice and is supplemental to any math curriculum. Learning math facts becomes a fun task when you get to learn with the Math Squad… a fun loving group of dogs who offer encouragement throughout the 10 books in the kit. We received a physical Addition & Counting math kit as well as access to the digital files of the other sets.
Our Math kit contains 10 practice books, each with 14 days of daily practice dedicated to one math operation per book. Each of your children will need their own physical kit, or you can opt to choose the digital edition which can be used multiple times. The size is perfect for little hands as they are learning to navigate proper pencil usage. The format of the page is easy, just three simple steps:
Complete ~ Correct ~ Repeat
Micah enjoys using this math fluency program! He doesn’t complain and his addition fact fluency has sky-rocketed over the course of the last few weeks. I am excited to add in the subtraction facts in the next few weeks in addition to his addition facts. During the summer, we will most likely alternate weeks of finishing up addition while adding in subtraction.

Company ~ Page a Day Math
Product ~ Addition Starter Kit
Format ~ physical box and digital downloads
Price ~ $79.95 physical kit w/ bonuses, $29.95 digital download
Ages ~ elementary and up

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