
Moving Updates


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By now you might know that we recently moved from Maryland to Ohio and I've been working on getting my place here to look and feel like home. And this post does have an update about that project. But it's also about another project that I just started, and that is a new blog. 

A little background about this blog might be helpful as I explain what I'm doing. Years ago, I started a homeschool blog after a few online homeschool friends had done the same, and it was mostly a little record of how we spent our days. I thought maybe those friends and some of my family might be interested and that's about it. That blog had changed platforms a couple times before I settled here with the title Homeschool Coffee Break, and started reviewing homeschool curriculum and products for The Homeschool Review Crew. That gig helped grow the blog audience well past what I had originally expected as well! I also started a separate blog called Just A Second where I put my personal book reviews and other bookish things.

Fast forward a few years, and my youngest child was nearing graduation, and I had to give up reviewing curriculum. I realized that her graduation would also mean my retirement from my homeschool mom career. I've written about this whole process here quite a bit, and for a couple of years I continued writing homeschool content here, as I was still teaching at a homeschool co-op after she graduated. The direction and focus of this blog was changing though, obviously. I've been wondering for at least a year what I was going to do with a blog created for a homeschool niche audience now that I was no longer homeschooling. This winter, I seriously entertained the idea that maybe I should create a new personal blog and just keep this one here as sort of a resource for homeschooling interests, but only add new material occasionally. Our move to a new state in November brought a lot of changes my way, including leaving my teaching position at the co-op. And so, over the holidays, I was reminded of my idea to move my blogs, and I finally did it this week!

A couple of days ago, I put on the coffeepot and invited friends to join me for A Fresh Cup of Coffee.

I wish I'd launched the new coffee break spot right at the first of the year, but my plan was still too nebulous at that point. Even now I'm still figuring it out, and it will be a bit of a gradual process, not unlike my move into a new home. When we first moved in, it was obvious where some things would go and what we'd need to buy. As we got settled and start acquiring new furniture, I changed my mind about a few things and reorganized other things. I suspect I'll do some of the same with the blog move. I know what's moving from this room to the other, but I'm sure I'll adjust things a little as we get settled.


Or I guess I should say, STAYING here at Homeschool Coffee Break! This will still be my hub for all things homeschool, and I do plan on updating information here and on adding new content related to home education. Material like the High School Writing Tip Sheets series. Some new and some updated and renewed content from earlier in my blogging.


Most of my new content will be at A Fresh Cup of Coffee! That will include the following link-ups and features:

Scripture and a Snapshot weekly on Saturdays.

Five Minute Friday weekly on Fridays.

The "Currently" link-up on the first Wednesday of each month, and the Share Four Somethings link-up on the last Saturday of each month. Both of these are hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness.
The More Than Just A Mom link-up hosted by these bloggers on the second Monday of each month. (I just published my first article for this earlier this week, and it is on both blogs)

And I often share individual articles in other link-ups such as Inspire Me Monday hosted by Anita Ojeda, Let's Have Coffee hosted by Joanne Viola: Days and Thoughts, and others. The 2023 version of the Write 28 Days challenge is coming soon, for example, and I plan to participate on A Fresh Cup of Coffee.


My Just A Second book blog will continue as usual, except that the Scripture and a Snapshot weekly link-up I've been hosting there will be moving to A Fresh Cup of Coffee. The two blogs will co-host for a few weeks to give others a chance to switch.


I did not forget about an update on moving into the new house. Here are some photos of the progress - we started out about six weeks ago with this:

And now the dining room and living room look more like this:

I have pictures to put on the walls, but can't decide where they go until I get another loveseat or chair and a side table, and decide where those things go.

I finally have a new dresser in the bedroom, but haven't filled it yet, so the closet is still slightly chaotic (sorry - no photo of that!).

And the spare bedroom/office went from this:

to this:

So things are coming along!


I hope you'll continue to enjoy your virtual coffee breaks with me here, or at A Fresh Cup of Coffee. Thank you especially to those of my readers that have stuck with me through the last few years of adjustments!

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 ©2006-2023 HS Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://kympossibleblog.blogspot.com/ 

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