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Homeschool families all over America are so excited about the newest Homeschool Bundle Sale because of the fresh new approach of Homeschool Grab Bag! The creators of Homeschool Grab Bag have gathered 70+ homeschool products from over 50+ top brands at 97% off retail!
This means that families can get almost everything they need for next year with just one purchase!
Amazing, right?
But it gets better.
During the sale, customers can choose between two bags – the Super Bag and the Deluxe Bag.

The Super Bag has 51 products in it, with a total value of $779.83 for a savings of 97%. Cost: $24.95. One single workbook with _ products from over of your favorite homeschool bloggers and brands at 97% off retail price. Amazing!
The Deluxe Bag has the same products as the Super Bag, plus an additional 20 products (many of them are bigger ticket items), for a total of 71 products with a total value of $1547.11 for a savings of 97%. Cost: $39.95. One single workbook with 70+ products from over 50 of your favorite homeschool bloggers and brands at 97% off retail price. You really can’t beat that!

Digital Grab Bag has officially kicked off its very first sale of the Homeschool Grab Bag!

Homeschool Grab Bag is a no-nonsense, exclusive, curriculum sale from the top bloggers and brands that you’ve grown to know and love like Grapevine Studies, Powerline Productions, Raising Real Men, Skill Trek, Proverbial Homemaker, My Joy-Filled Life, The Fervent Mama, and so many more!

2 Amazing Bags to Choose From! COMPARE the Super Bag with the Deluxe Bag and see what’s right for you! Compare the bags HERE!

Who doesn’t like getting excellent homeschool material at crazy good prices?! I know that’s you! Which means that you really don’t want to get caught missing out on this amazing sale! Purchase your Homeschool Grab Bag right now!
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis