I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

If you're a new reader and especially if you are new to home education, you may not be familiar with the company I am reviewing today, but I believe it can be really helpful to have a good understanding of good curriculum for now or down the line when you need something different later. Today we are talking about CTCMath and their 12-month Family membership. This is a company and an online math curriculum we have utilized for several years, as members of the Homeschool Review Crew. For this review, I had a beginning 4th grader and 2nd grader using their program at least a few times a week. If these elementary grades aren't relevant for your family, click on the link at the bottom of this post to find other reviewers with different aged children to get a better perspective.
What We Received:
We received a 12-month Family membership that includes unlimited students profiles of which we used 2. Each profile has access to K-12 US Math curriculum video lessons, diagnostic tests, review questions (pdf or online), and math facts games. A parent profile is attached to the students and has access to all work history as well as the ability to create assignments.
How It Works:
Each student profile has access to all levels of work. This makes this program easy for supplementing in a difficult area. It also makes it great for using mid-year. Especially in the event that you find yourself homeschooling unexpectedly or you're looking for extra help outside of the classroom, this program allows you to start wherever you need. The lessons and criteria for each grade level are clearly organized so that you can use this as a primary math resource and go from beginning to end. In that case, the student simply begins with the first video lesson of their grade, complete questions afterwards and receive immediate feedback towards their level of mastery. The number of questions can be adjusted which is helpful depending on how much time you want spent on the subject. The student and parent can clearly see scores and areas of difficulty for further attention. Divided up by the week and semester, there are available review questions in pdf or online format that can be assigned or utilized offline like a test or simply supplemental to other programs. This is especially helpful when you are simply wanted to check understanding in a different format than what you might be using every day.
What We Thought:
I've probably mentioned this in previous reviews, but my children have no trouble paying attention in the lesson videos. They typically are only 4 or 5 minutes long, but the speaker has an Australian accent that I think keeps them hooked! The shorter lessons helps keep the flow of learning especially when both of my children are needing to use the program at the same time. 15 minutes can accomplish enough to make it worthwhile without becoming a burden in one form or another.
Since we have had a membership with them for multiple years, there have been months where we use it primarily and consistently and then other times when we stick with pencil and paper curriculum and utilize CTC as a check up every so often. In both cases, CTC is a great resource to have and has proven to be safe backup to ensure we keep tabs on everyone's level of understanding.
Follow CTCMath on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ctcmath/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctcmathofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ctcmath/?hl=en
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/ctcmath/
Are you interested in middle school or high school math? Check out other families' reviews with older kids through the link below.