
8 Things I Learned About Teaching Story of the World


8 Things I Learned About Teaching Story of the World

Today’s post has been written by guest blogger, Adriana Zoder. She’s sharing her experiences with a popular Classical education curriculum that happens to work really well in a Charlotte Mason homeschool, too. In fact, it’s one of my favorite curriculum choices of all time for history.

With chapters written as living literature, the chronological overview of history is perfect for elementary students. By adding more than a handful of activities and living books from the activity guides, the curriculum can be perfect for middle schoolers, too.

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In my own homeschool, I’ve used The Story of the World curriculum from ancient times through modern-day history with all three of my children. It has provided us with a wonderful understanding of important events and people that have shaped world history. I think you’ll like reading about Adriana’s experiences!

Story of the World History Curriculum

A history curriculum for the classical child, The Story of the World was put together by Susan Wise Bauer, a college professor from Virginia. Like many of you, I was introduced to her work through her best-selling how-to homeschool book, The Well-Trained Mind.

Continue reading 8 Things I Learned About Teaching Story of the World at Our Journey Westward.

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